Contact: Trigger Finger Treatment l Address: 1644 Plaza Way, Suite 317, Walla Walla, WA. 99362
Toll-Free: 1-888-274-5444 -
Do not call to order. To receive this special you must order online!


Eliminate Trigger Finger FAST!

Discover What Repetitive Strain Injury Experts Know, and That is How to Eliminate Pain and Increase Function!

"He Was Amazed When His Pain Went Away Forever…"

But His Therapist Wasn't Because she Knew the Secret!

"The FLEXTEND® / RESTORE™ Treatment System is based on years of practical results and real-world solutions.… Jeff Anliker, LMT, reveals an EASY SELF-TREATMENT APPROACH and exercise protocol that has helped thousands of customers and patients!


Official PayPal Seal  

Training System
ONLY $99.95
+S/H (MSRP $126.00)

1- Reversible Training System 1- Instructional Chart
4- Resistance Bands 4- Tubing Clasps
1- Arm Strap 1- Year Warranty
1- TFT Kit  
30-Day Money-Back / Satisfaction Guarantee
BONUS #1 - 2 Free E-mails to Clinician
BONUS #2 - 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee!


"There is no other device on the market, besides FLEXTEND, which properly addresses this serious musculoskeletal disorder (CTS/RSI)."
Dr. John Medeiros, PT., Ph.D.


"For patients with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and other Repetitive Strain Injuries, my success rate using FLEXTEND® is nearly 100%."
Dr. Linda Harries

"We are amazed with the immediate, and long lasting results our patients experience while using FLEXTEND® !"
Blue Mountain Valley PT

"I find the product is excellent at preventing re-injury because it improves strength and muscle endurance, coupled with joint flexibility and stability which improves overall function and performance, thus enhances playing skills."
Dr. Preston Wakefield (Dr. Wakefield specializes in Musicians and Athletes)

Dear Friend,
Are you tired of suffering?  Or course you are, no one wants to experience, pain, numbness, locking fingers , lack of coordination and all of the symptoms that accompany repetitive Strain Injuries like Carpal tunnel Syndrome, Trigger Finger, Tennis Elbow and the many other disorders that exist from overuse and muscle imbalance!

It’s gotten really old and you realize that you’re not getting any better and you need to do something about it but you don’t know what to do. 

What can you do? 

You’ve been to doctors, therapists and have tried all the self-help books and products but you still are not any better. And you are getting worse with each passing day.

Will you be able to sleep tonight or do well at work tomorrow?  Will you be able to play with your kids or do the things you like without pain today?


It is obvious you are suffering from a RepetitiveStrain Injury.

With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it is pain, numbness and tingling in the thumb, index and middle fingers. 

With Trigger Finger, the finger locks into the palm of the hand and is painful when it catches or sticks due to the adhesion / nodule on the tendon.

With Tennis Elbow, there is sharp pain on the outside of the elbow joint.

With Golfers Elbow there is pain and discomfort on the inside of the elbow.

With Cubital Tunnel Syndrome there is pain on the inside and back of the elbow with numbness and tingling in the ring and little fingers. 

There are a number of Repetitive Strain Injuries that can affect everything you do! 

Are you finally frustrated and fed up with all the different treatments you’ve tried that have not provided you with long-lasting relief?

Have you tried splints, physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, cortisone injections or even surgery?

Are you fed up with taking pain pills and muscle relaxants that just treat your symptoms and not the actual condition?

Have you had enough sleepless nights and miserable days with symptoms that never seem to go away no matter what you do?

Does your doctor just keep prescribing failing treatments and procedures without providing you answers as to why you have this pain in the first place?


Let me ask you something.

How would you feel if you could sleep through the whole night and eliminate all daytime pain and dysfunction in only 5-Minutes a day?

You know, the pain-free way you used to feel before your injury...

 Do You Feel As If You'll Never Get Rid Of Your
Painful Condition?

Relax, things are about to change for you!  I'm going to tell you how FLEXTEND® / RESTORE™ will completely eliminate your Repetitive Strain Injury so you can live without pain and dysfunction…

 A simple, self treatment system that is far more effective than all the traditional methods of treatment out there today that is not just focused on only treating your symptoms, but the true root-cause of your Repetitive Strain Injury…

Before you say you've tried everything to get rid of your Repetitive Strain Injury, let me tell you that I KNOW you have NOT tried what I'm about to reveal to you or you would already be better...

and I guarantee you, your doctor or therapist has no clue about this approach... well a few do because they use it with great success in their clinics…but for the majority, if they knew about it, Repetitive Strain Injuries would completely disappear!


Official PayPal Seal  

Training System
ONLY $99.95
+S/H (MSRP $126.00)

1- Reversible Training System 1- Instructional Chart
4- Resistance Bands 4- Tubing Clasps
1- Arm Strap 1- Year Warranty
1- TFT Kit  
30-Day Money-Back / Satisfaction Guarantee
BONUS #1 - 2 Free E-mails to Clinician
BONUS #2 - 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

To make it extremely easy to understand I'll explain what it is and how it works in great detail...

How You Can Avoid Permanent Damage To
Your Fingers, Hands, Wrists, Elbows and Shoulders!

What if I told you that you could eliminate your Repetitive Strain Injury
WITHOUT medications, splints, visits to the surgeon and therapist... and
you could do it in a matter of the next few weeks?

You'd be really skeptical, right?

Well it’s TRUE!

Have You Tried Any Of These Repetitive Strain Injury
Treatments In The Past?…And They Failed?


•    Chiropractors
•    Orthopedic Specialists
•    Massage Therapy
•    Cortisone Injections
•    Trigger Point / Motor Point
•    Anti-Inflammatory Medications
•    Acupuncture
•    Yoga
•    Magnets
•    Squeeze Balls
•    Deep Heat Rubs
•    Heat and/or Ice Therapy
•    Night Splints and Braces
•    Ergonomic products
•    Surgery

The cost and time involved really adds up…

like visits to your doctor, X-rays, MRI's, Nerve Conduction Testes, Occupational Therapy Splints, dangerous prescription drugs, splints and all of the other non-producing modes of treatment....

The list could go on, before its over you have already spent thousands, and
you are no closer to relief than when you started!

Am I right?

Why Don’t These Treatments Provide Lasting Relief?

With a shocking amount of people suffering from Repetitive Strain Injuries like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Trigger Finger... you'd think there would be a cure by now, right?

The truth is… most physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors or occupational therapists won’t spend enough time with you to truly figure out what's really causing your painful symptoms...

they are pushed for time in a fast paced health system that do not allow them to slow down, step back and really figure it out... many times also, their training is symptom relief oriented and not focused on identifying the cause/root problem.

Sadly, this happens many times at a typical visit…

NO thorough manual evaluation of your condition,
extensive interview process to learn about your situation or listening to what YOU are experiencing and feeling, and most importantly,
system that treats the cause of the problem... all they do is treat symptoms or perform invasive treatments like cortisone injections and surgery, and as you already know, neither provide the lasting relief you are longing for!

Most Doctors And Therapists Are Treating The SYMPTOMS And Not The CAUSE of the Disorder

Many people have seen specialists, neurologists and orthopedic specialists 
and have been told that maybe the pain or the symptoms are not real... maybe it is emotional stress... in reality, they are calling you a LIAR!

No one can tell you what you feel or how you feel better than you!  Think about it...

Doctors aren't trained to treat the root cause of your condition if it’s related to a muscle imbalance, which almost every Repetitive Strain Injury is, Including Tennis Elbow and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, (Trigger Finger is treated in the same manner, but this training system thins the tendon and breaks down the scar tissue on the tendon so it not longer catches or sticks)...

that's why they keep doing what they do best, ignore what you’re saying and instead prescribe pain medications, painful cortisone injections, ant-inflammatory medicines that eat holes in your stomach and surgery which has a terrible success rate!

What is Going on Here?!

Physicians, put plainly, just don’t have the background and training to understand the relationship between muscle imbalances and how they cause Repetitive Strain Injuries.

If you’re lucky, you get 7-Minutes with a person who is not listening or supplying you with anything that can provide long-term relief, but rather trying to supply you with a QUICK FIX FOR YOUR SYMPTOMS....that does not work...


Official PayPal Seal  

Training System
ONLY $99.95
+S/H (MSRP $126.00)

1- Reversible Training System 1- Instructional Chart
4- Resistance Bands 4- Tubing Clasps
1- Arm Strap 1- Year Warranty
1- TFT Kit  
30-Day Money-Back / Satisfaction Guarantee
BONUS #1 - 2 Free E-mails to Clinician
BONUS #2 - 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

You Deserve Better…

I am not saying that all doctors are unskilled to help you... not at all... in fact,
I think most of them are truly caring people... and many times medicine and surgery has to be prescribed.

BUT, many of them are not familiar with the most effective treatment options out there today...

The Standard Treatment Approach to Repetitive Strain Injury Treatment Is A
Recipe For Failure!

When you asked your doctor or therapist what the true cause of your Repetitive Strain Injury, lick Carpal Tunnel or Trigger Finger, could they give you an answer you could live with?

Here are the facts:

It's not caused by a lack of ergonomic chairs, keyboards, computer mice, cortisone injections, splints or surgery, and that’s a fact, as there is enough of this for everyone to be healthy and well if they were really the answer to the Repetitive Strain Injury epidemic…

and it isn’t because of the way you picked up something, the way your wrists or elbows are formed or anything else they might come up with where you go, HUH? 

So what then is causing all of this pain and dysfunction in your body?

Muscle Imbalance –
What is It?

Your body is made up out of opposing muscle groups that work together in harmony... when one muscle-group contracts, the opposing (antagonist) muscle group relaxes.

When your muscles are out of balance one muscle or group of muscles are stronger than its opposing counterpart (opposite muscle group), which places the joints under tremendous stress and uneven pressure...causing impingement of surrounding structures like nerves and blood vessels.

For example, golfers always swing the club in a single pattern…from right to left or left to right.  Continually swinging in one direction builds the spinal rotator muscles that move in that one direction.  This causes the spine to become twisted over time, inflicting pain and dysfunction as the spinal nerves become compressed.

When your muscles pull your spine out of its correct alignment, there is uneven pressure and compression on your vertebrae which will compress nerves and cause your muscles to go into spasm... 

As this imbalance increases, pain and dysfunction also increases and you begin to compensate and injuring other areas of your body.
This is exactly how Repetitive Strain Injury occurs in the hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders as well from all of the typing, mousing and gripping/squeezing motions that are performed throughout the day.  Day in and day out, hour after hour.

In cases of Carpal Tunnel, the tunnel becomes narrow due to the flexor muscles pulling the carpal bones into the canal. The flexor tendons ad median nerve operate within this space and over time, the flexor tendons begin to become irritated due to the friction of them sliding past each other in a space that has reduced in size. This friction causes swelling and puts pressure on the median nerve and symptoms result. Strengthening the extensor muscles pulls the carpal bones out of the canal and increases the space for the tendons to move, reducing all symptoms.

Trigger Finger results in the same fashion, except that a nodule/adhesion forms on the tendon and causes it to catch in the tendon sheath.

The hard facts is that no medicine in the world, acupuncture, massage,
yoga, manipulations or splints will prevent or rehabilitate your Repetitive Strain Injury if the muscle imbalances are not corrected.

Is Muscle Imbalance Really The Root Cause Of Your
Repetitive Strain Injury?

From my experience, YES...

From years of research and clinical trials, I guarantee that for most, the true root cause of your present symptoms... is the
months and years of overusing specific muscles or groups of muscles that have resulted in a muscle imbalance.

And Guess What?

This Muscle Imbalance Can Easily Be Eliminated in ONLY 5-Minutes A Day!

We’ll Discuss This More a Later...

How Exactly Can YOU Figure Out
In The Next 3 Minutes What Is Causing Your Repetitive Strain Injury?

It's actually quite simple...

•    Are Your Shoulders Slouched Forward?
•    Are Your Wrists, Elbows or Shoulders Stiff and Sore?

•    Do Your Fingers, Wrist, Elbows or Shoulders Hurt when You Move Them?
•    If So, You Need to Correct the Muscle Imbalances that are Causing these Symptoms!

Once you locate your area of injury, you are going to perform a specific self- treatment exercise program that focuses on addressing it…it’s that simple!

The self-treatment FLEXTEND® / RESTORE system consists of specific, targeted, active stretches and exercises that you'll perform in the comfort of your home.

They will work on quickly correcting the muscle imbalances you have
to restore your fingers, wrists, elbows and shoulders to normal.

Introducing The Most Effective System For eliminating Repetitive Strain Injuries of the Upper Extremity ...“FLEXTEND® / RESTORE Reversible Resistance Training System” Order Today and Stop the Suffering!

Here's just some of what Patients and Customers Say:

  • If it were not for using the FLEXTEND® exercises, I would have continued to experience the painful discomfort caused by the two separate Trigger Finger surgeries.

    Steve Roy
    Insurance Broker

  • I am writing to enthusiastically endorse the effectiveness of the FLEXTEND® system for treating RSD!

    David Bayley

  • I would enthusiastically recommend FLEXTEND® to anyone with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, or anyone wishing to prevent problems with their hands in the future.

    Neil Busby


You are Guaranteed 100% Success or Your Money Back –
No Questions Asked!


Here's what you'll receive with your Order:

  • 1 - Completely Assembled Reversible Training System that you can wear on BOTH hands, which includes everything you need to eliminate your injury.  You can Use it straight from the box!

  • 15 - Detailed Exercise Movements and 20 Injury-Specific Exercise Programs.  More Are Available online at      


  • Clinician Support – 2-Free E-Mail Inquiries regarding the use of FLEXTEND®.  Clinicians respond (within 24-48 hours) to answer any questions or concerns. Value $50


If you feel that FLEXTEND® / RESTORE™ did not help you feel better and improve the quality of your life and provide relief, I will refund 100% of the cost of the product back with no questions asked.

What You Need To Do Right Now to Achieve TOTAL RELIEF - 


Official PayPal Seal  

Training System
ONLY $99.95
+S/H (MSRP $126.00)

1- Reversible Training System 1- Instructional Chart
4- Resistance Bands 4- Tubing Clasps
1- Arm Strap 1- Year Warranty
1- TFT Kit  
30-Day Money-Back / Satisfaction Guarantee
BONUS #1 - 2 Free E-mails to Clinician
BONUS #2 - 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

After place your order, You will receive shipment confirmation with 24-hours and RELIEF will be on its way!

Picture in your mind that In ONLY 30-Days

•    You’re at Least 80% Better with 100% Relief Just Days Away!
•    You've Corrected the True Cause of Your Disorder.
•    You've Secured Yourself Long-Term Relief and Improved Performance...

Now that you are feeling great, what new things will you be doing?

•    Whatever you like without pain and discomfort!
•    Performing your favorite sport / activity without the fear of recurring pain.
•    Playing you favorite music instrument without pain and increased dexterity.
•    Working without having to wonder if you’ll have to quite your job due to the pain.
•    Sleeping throughout the night without waking up every few minutes.

You HAVE the power to stop the pain, take action and help yourself today!

Stop sitting around and waiting for a miracle or that next magic pill...

YOU have to help yourself and this is your first step.

If you add up the cost that you have spent on treatment gadgets, missed days at work, braces, medicine, therapy and other things, you could have bought a truckload of FLEXTEND® / RESTORE™ and have been better months ago!

Here is a simple and natural solution involving simultaneous exercises and stretches that only cost’s $99.95 which will focus on correcting the true cause of your Repetitive Strain Injury.

Take charge of your own health and stop the pain and suffering!

So, don’t put it off any longer... order FLEXTEND® / RESTORE™, perform the self evaluation steps, follow the specific Repetitive Strain Injury exercise and in no time you will be pain free again.


Official PayPal Seal  

Training System
ONLY $99.95
+S/H (MSRP $126.00)

1- Reversible Training System 1- Instructional Chart
4- Resistance Bands 4- Tubing Clasps
1- Arm Strap 1- Year Warranty
1- TFT Kit  
30-Day Money-Back / Satisfaction Guarantee
BONUS #1 - 2 Free E-mails to Clinician
BONUS #2 - 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee!

You Are Now on Your Way to Fast Relief From Trigger Finger and Getting Back to Doing the Things You Love!

P.S. Don't delay in taking control of your health- Remember you can try the system risk free, if you don't get better, ask for a refund – it’s 100% Guaranteed!


Purchase FLEXTEND® / RESTORE™ Today and Eliminate Your Repetitive Strain Injury Pain Forever!